home / work


Welcome to this personal abode (or a digital garden 🌱) of mine where I document things I learn or read about, and thoughts that come to my travelling mind. I am a software engineer mainly working on full-stack JavaScript and am deeply in love with Computer Science.

My love for CS matured late in college when I was studying Electrical & Electronics at VNIT, Nagpur. This website is mostly the place where I note down my learnings and findings. Currently, I am part of the web platform team at Zalando, a leading e-commerce store in Europe.

Generally, I love being with myself and a small set of people I love and care for. That includes my family and a small number of close friends. Things that I love to do other than code include discovering new music, playing electronic keyboard, trying out photography, and recently, fountain pens. These hobbies come and go, but most of them have stuck for a long time now.

© Mohit Karekar • [email protected]