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k-clustering and Kruskal's Algorithm

December 27, 20205 minutes readalgorithms-part-3

I am currently on the 3rd course of the Algorithms specialization on Coursera and this part is all about greedy algorithms. One of the popular greedy algorithms is Kruskal's. It is a way to find the minimum spanning tree (MST) of an undirectied graph. MST of a graph is defined as a spanning tree, i.e. an acyclic graph that spans over every vertex of the graph and is minimum in cost.

This concept is applicable in several interesting areas such as networking - finding two nodes in a network graph, and clustering - grouping similar objects together. Another similar algorithm is Prim's, which operates on vertices unlike Kruskal's, which operates on edges of a graph.

The input for Kruskal's algorithm is an undirected graph G(V, E), where V and E denote the number of vertices and edges respectively. The output exptected is a minimum spanning tree T that includes all the edges that span across the graph G and have least total cost.

Pseudocode for Kruskal's can be written as follows:

Kruskal G:
    - Sort edges in ascending order wrt. edge lengths
    - T = empty
    - for i = 1 to m:
        - let e = E[i]
        - If e does not make cycles in T:
        - Add e to T

Trivially, the running time for this algorithm would be O(m + n), m being the number of edges and n being the number of vertices in G. This is because there is one for loop of size m and the step for checking if there are cycles in T takes O(n) time.

As Tim Roughgarden frequently reminds what an algorithm designer should ask themselves - Can we do better? And the answer usually is yes. For Kruskal's algorithm, speedup is possible in the step where cycle existence is checked. To overcome the O(n) time for this step, a data structure called Union-Find is used.

Union-Find structure stores objects in the form of disjoint sets, i.e. it holds a particular number of sets which have objects in them. And it provides two operations:

  • FIND(X): Given a value X, it can tell which set/group X belongs to.
  • UNION(S1, S2): Given two values S1 and S2, it can make a union set from the two individual sets.

These two properties can be well applied to Kruskal's algorithm. At the beginning, every vertex of G would denote one set in Union-Find. As we go on adding edges to T, we go on fusing many vertices into one union set and the sets become the strongly connected components of T. This is a UNION operation on Union-Find, achieved in O(1) time.

Secondly, to check whether an edge forms a cycle in T, we would have to check if the two endpoints of the edge are present in any same set of Union-Find. This can be done in O(1) time by using the FIND operation which returns the name of the set to which an object (here vertex) belongs.

Usage of Union-Find improves the overall time complexity of Kruskal's algorithm to O(mlogn). This is because we can think the process of edges getting added to T in terms of what happens with the vertices. Since Union-Find operations are done constant time, we need to find the number of times these are performed.

A union is done when two sets are to be merged, and when this happens, the size of the resultant combined set is atleast the double of initial set sizes. This is because when two sets merge, the set with smaller number of objects has to update the set name (or leader) for all of its members to that of the larger set. After this is done, all the member would point to the larger set name and could be found in the larger set.

This eventually means that at each union, the size of sets go on doubling up. This is familiar logarithmic pattern, and is ruled by the number of vertices, as they are grouped in the sets. Hence we can say that the union operation happens log(n) times, and the overall time complexity for Kruskal's algorithm with Union-Find becomes O(mlogn).

Application in Clustering #

Clustering is the process of grouping similar objects into clusters. Similarity is defined by some measure, e.g. a characteristic distance. Given a set of nodes and their distances with each other, clustering can group the closest nodes into k clusters. Some examples include clustering images that respresent an object, grouping similar webpages, etc.

The pseudocode for this algorithm looks as follows:

k-clustering P, k:
    - Each point in P is a single cluster
    - while # of clusters != k:
        - let p, q = closest pair of separated points
        - Merge clusters of p and q into a single cluster

If seen carefully, this algorithm is very similar to that of Kruskal's MST. The vertices in Kruskal are points here, the edge costs there are distances here and edges are the segments joining p and q. The only difference is that instead of running for all vertices of the graph, clustering aborts when the number of clusters (or sets) becomes equal to k.

When the number of clusters becomes k, the minimum of the distances between two clusters is called the spacing of the clustering. Clustering is an important application in machine learning classification algorithms where similar data is clustered and classified into groups. One such example is image recognition, where the difference between two pixels can be defined as a function of individual RGB values, and then pixels having such a distance lower than a threshold can be clustered together.

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