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Hello 2025, the year I close open things

January 1, 20253 minutes readyear-in-review

Hey 2025,

I want you to be the year where I close things that I started last year. I love starting projects, experiments, series, and tend to leave them unfinished sometimes. This year I will try to focus on ideas and projects that are worthy of effort and on which I've already spent some time exploring. As usual, I will build these in public.

Currently open items:

  1. Compilers course: I started working on a self-paced compilers course (in-progress preview) about 8-9 months ago and designed and partially implemented a language in the process. The content is a way for me to build an almost complete programming language, and share the process in a nicely-put format. I am halfway through the implementation and I will be sharing the content gradually. The project got delayed due to other commitments and unclear goals, something I am sorting out now.
  2. A worthy product idea: This is something I came across randomly one day last year and felt was a "valid" idea. I quickly built a prototype and asked some friends to try it out and the response was great. Before moving ahead I want to find a proper use case fit to avoid the usual trap of building for fun (yet another time).
  3. OMSCS: I am three years into the online masters program now and it has been a ride! I am 6 semesters in, 4 more to go which would take another year and I plan to finish the program early next year. The journey has been full of learnings and I'm excited for the rest of the semesters (in Spring 2025 I am taking a database implementation course).
  4. Evolving at work: I'm taking on organisation-wide projects at work and plan to evolve in my role. Load testing and SRE has been so much fun and I plan to move ahead in this direction!

I am enjoying reading more lately and I hope I get to read more interesting material as the year passes. 2025 will be my year to cherish and nurture what I have and bring the best out of them.


The cover image is a beautiful scene from Interstellar where Murph and Cooper talk about Murphy's law. This is not long before Cooper leaves for interstellar travel and Murph stays back on earth, later to solve the complex gravity problem. While Cooper's leap was extremely important for the entire project to succeed, Murph's work back home was equally important to make everything work in the end.

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