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Consciousness and Body - CogSci

August 25, 20241 minute readnotes cognitive-science omscs

Consciousness #

  • Consciousness can be guided - meditation
  • It is subjective, based on sensory data (external)
  • Conscious of thoughts, feelings (internal)
  • Dualist view
    • Mind and [[brains-and-emotions|brain]]
    • Extreme form is religion - soul/spirit
  • Materialist view
    • Nothing as consciousness
    • Body and brain, signals
  • Ex Machina clip
    • Functionalist view
      • Cognitive agents produce behaviour -> function - systems view
  • Attention theory
    • We are bombarded with information
    • Consciousness helps us focus our attention
  • Functionalist perspective: Cognitive agents produce behaviour -> function
    • Consciousness in CRUM

Body #

  • Cognition afforded and constrained by body
  • Body in driving - embodied cognition
    • Situated cognition - cognition is situated in the world (react to environment)
      • E.g. ping pong robot
      • Look at human behaviour
      • Ball comes to us, we react, not much thinking
      • Aka situated action
      • Environment shapes behaviour
      • Bartender keeps memory of drinks - use spatial location of the bar to remember
    • Distributed cognition: deliberately move cognition to external world
      • E.g. cars: lot of information is given by the car.
  • Boundary of cognition? - depends on different kinds of cognition

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